Expanding Your Capacity for Good

Well if you haven’t noticed I have committed to sitting down and writing more insight for you. I felt a call to focus more on what I have to share. Which includes a price break for the foreseeable future. More about that later…

A concept has been coming to me again lately. It’s something I have thought much about over the years. As we manifest our desires intentionally, through various practices and tools, what we are really creating is a new version of us.

Each of us are like a moldable vessel, and our capacity for good is based on that vessel. If we want to receive more in our lives we must change the internal structure of our energetic world. This means we must shift our beliefs, mindsets and emotional energy that create our day to day experience of who we are and how we experience life.

But from a spiritual perspective, the manifestations are the things that inspire our growth and our souls real desire is for that growth to continue. This is why desire matched with belief in its possibility is a good thing. You will evolve in the process of creating the vessel to receive.

Sometimes our vessel is growing a little over time, sometimes it’s been the same for years, sometimes it’s in a huge upheaval all at once. Whichever way, what flows to you in life is what your truly open to receiving.

So if you would like to receive something that you aren’t seeing, it’s time to start molding your self to be the person that is in that experience. What kind of beliefs, attitudes, behaviors, and emotions would you be in? What would you have to let go of? Sometimes we don’t just want more, we want different and more quality, this means we must change shape in our hearts and minds.

But as you do this, you evolve. In order to be more prosperous, we must feel more abundant where we are. In order to be in love, we must find love for ourselves. In order to be more free, we must release our attachments now. As we do these things, we become more in contact with our soul and often our desires shift. We may not want what we previously intended but as we go deeper what matches us will arrive. If you are attuning to the divine version of your manifestation you can not miss the mark.

It is no longer enough to just affirm and then go about your day (was it ever?). We must dive deeply in to the heart of what we deeply desire and become the vessel. We must feel the essence of who we are to become, do the internal work and step in to the unknown before it arrives. When we do this we embark on an amazing journey of becoming more of ourself. The manifestation is just product of that shift.

The manifestations is the temporary excuse to find your soul and express it more fully. And there is truly no greater pay off then who we become.

If you feel stuck in this, it is my greatest gift to help see where you can not. To shine light in the places you are so used to you can’t separate them from yourself anymore.

In that, I will be lowering my prices by $50 each for the forseeable future. Not forever Im sure but for now as prices sky rocket everywhere, I want to be more accessible, not less. I also have a deep trust in the Universe to supply my abundance and these readings are a gift to share. I will also add a 30 minute option for those with less questions. You can book through the website or if you have any questions reach out to me directly.

Until next time,


The Wisdom of Droughts


“I give up…”