How to Change Your World

Imagine this.

Imagine you close your eyes, and your world dissolves for a moment. You forgot your past and ideas for the future. You forgot who hurt you, who your family raised you to be. You deleted personal expectations of yourself.

What would be left of you?

For some, you might feel that you would lose all that makes you who you are, and in a sense you would lose some of that.

But now imagine that in that space you were aware of the loving hand of the divine guiding you. You were aware that this free, loved part of you would still create an authentic expression in life because like all things there was a specific expression desired by the current iteration of you. Like flowers, trees and every blade of grass.

If this happened, how would you be?

What if you forgot what foods were bad for you, what diet you had to eat?

What if you forgot the jobs you were really good it and therefore must do?

You could forget your prejudices, and judgements. Even your plans might fall out the window.

Would you feel liberated? Some might.

For many this might feel terrifying and like all progress of our lives would be gone. But for me and in my experience, its liberating.

This state can exist in deep meditation. It’s somewhere I have been. I do come back to many old patterns and thoughts but as I visit there more often, many things just seem to fade. And I have to tell you, its the most freeing thing.

My whole world, your whole world, is based on your perception, the ever running narrative that your mind generates. It’s influenced by mood, emotion, traumas, triggers and attachments.

If you deleted your narrative, your whole world view would go with it, including you as you know it. To the ego, this is death, to the soul, this is natural evolution. The soul which survives human life feels no death just experiences the liberation of both condensing in to a form and then releasing it.

I always thought that these states would create bland, matching robe monk versions of people (maybe that is for the advanced). Instead, I find it creates vibrant, joyful, loving and humble states. Humbled but empowered I should say. Because as you do this, shame, guilt and fear start to lessen their hold. You are lighter in the world and suddenly life has more room to play.

People wonder about all the heavy and brutal things in the world, and I encourage them to step back and view each thing from a loving lens. If they cant, they may not be able to hold those concepts for now. But if you can, without limiting compassion, you will see those things, like all things, are part of earths unique dance, and hold as much potential for love as anything else, if those who are in the experience choose to ask for and receive it.

All of life, holds the potential to create more love within. To let you release bigger limits and expand wildly in to the abounding love of the universe.

When you hold this lightness of life, you become brave or maybe even careless to others. Because you dont see all the fears and dangers any more, you follow the flow of your heart. You also don’t chase thrill as avoidance so often this works out better for you than then the other careless people out there. Life isn’t about protecting yourself from harm anymore. Because there is no real harm for you, there is of course pain and discomfort but you know those too contain that which your soul seeks.

You will choose, what feels loving for you, what nourishes and delights you, what expands your love and that will be a unique expression in all areas.

You also no longer try to prove yourself to life, or show how good you can be, you know your good or valuable because its the essence of your loving existence.

Imagine that you don’t need to explain or prove yourself to others, restrictive moral obligations fall away in the expanse of loving direction.

How free would you be? What would your world be? And what would you be doing with your life?

Its hard to really grasp what all would be really different but we can get some idea.

Admittedly this is a process and very few have achieved some everlasting state of this, but every moment your there shines and glimmers. And once you have been there the moment that you aren’t in that loving awareness you also really begin to notice, thus inspiring you to journey back to it.

Imagine your world unencumbered by limits. Now, go be that.

In my sessions, I focus on helping people to expand past the limits. If your ready to feel more free. Lets work together. This is true healing, just moving to greater versions of wholeness.


Joy Overcomes


Mundane Miracles