
One of the main reasons clients come to me for a reading or for mentorships is because they feel stuck either in a certain area or all around.

Stuckness is something I am quite familiar with. And an emotional experience that I like the least. As an air and rising fire sign in astrology, I love change, so when stuckness finds me… it leaves me incredibly frustrated.

I have noticed their are two types of “stuck”.

The first being, where you just feel like you are standing in mud up to your knees, you don’t feel a real momentum in any major direction or you don’t see any solutions to your current problem. This is the one where you have an idea of where you would like to be but no insight on how to get there at all.

The second is, when you feel like your on a merry go round and you just have no idea when or how to jump off. It occurs when you notice the same pattern show up again and again. Like when you’re dating someone who feels so familiar to your ex, or you finally got a new job only to be disrespected in the same way as the last one. While there are many actions that can be taken, you feel like they will not get you off the loop.

These can be quite similar in their origin and both are about stuck emotional energy and outdated belief systems, but you respond to them differently.

In scenario one we often know what needs to occur but just don’t feel it will. We have vision but no motivation. While their can be some major limiting beliefs in this one, it’s usually resolved by focusing on all the things you can do in life and letting the subject be. The trust that a solution is coming and we need to make the most of now and allow for the divine timing to unfold will resolve this one.

Usually we just have lost trust and are living in the future and we need to come back to making the most of the moment. So find things that you feel you can impact and make more fun in your day, while claiming the solution will come to you in perfect timing. It will.

The second type of stuckness may go undetected for a while, years or decades but one day you look up and its like your life is a remake of your past, new sets and actors, same storyline. This is the trickier one but can be resolved. This is occurring because our beliefs, and life narratives have not changed. Life is manifesting from our held beliefs and repetitive thoughts and emotions. It is also created by major spiritual life experiences we came here for but that is for another day.

When we have an inner narrative that is not serving us both about ourselves and life in general, it will be played out around us in the major themes of our life. In order to change those things we must change the inner workings of our mind and change the set point of our emotional baseline. This takes discipline and spiritual influence but can be done. So have faith.

One of the best tools for this is meditating upon what we desire to experience and try to feel the emotion of it and see what limits your mind puts on it. See if you can hold the positive emotion and affirming thoughts more then the limited ones.

I have moved through both of these and helped others to do so as well.

Its so amazing to feel the shift in energy and see it play out in peoples lives. Nothing brings me more joy in my work then when someone finds the change within they have been looking for to create the life of their dreams!

If you need help in this, book a reading or consider a mentorship. Limited patterns are my favorite to break down. You can create a different life in one area or in all!


“I give up…”


How to Stop People Pleasing:A Guide for Empaths