What I Love Most

Happy September everyone!

There is nothing quite like the month that slowly dissolves the thick heat and opens the door to autumn. August was a month of deep inner transformation and what felt like stagnation externally. But September feels so fresh and invigorated already.

But it isn’t just the weather change or a new month that shifted things for me, it was the remembrance that life is formed from your perspective. Our experience is filtered through the lens of our internal narrative and where we particularly focus in that moment. The continued regular perception we hold will define who we are and what manifest in to our lives.

My personal experience as a medium and intuitive reader has shown me that our lives are constantly reflecting our inner world. Look around at someones life and you will have an accurate reflection of someones inner most beliefs, feelings and stories about themselves and how the world works.

But we do have agency over where the mind goes. And when we spend more time directing it at love, our lives will begin to reflect that.

So something I have been doing to help me focus is “I love journaling”. Yes, this is very similar to gratitude journaling but instead of grateful you just start with I love and write all the things that come to your mind. While gratitude is great, I find many people have some sense of duty or responsibility around it. Like we feel there are some things we must feel grateful for and its often based on needs being met, the things we are “lucky” to have. While this is a good tool for perspective, I find it doesnt always make us feel as joyful. We were often told when to express gratitude as children and it wasn’t always when we truly felt inspired to do so.

We often write certain things with gratitude that make more sense with the word like: “I am grateful for the money in my bank account”. But love, well, its really the feeling of being lit up by something. When we say I love something, it usually is just a ping of happiness or joy about something.

We are, at our core, grateful for this thing but we are really in a state of deep appreciation. This also fixes our mind on all the things to love about life. So it might be more like; “ I love going to the vintage store and buying dresses that remind me of tea parties and slow afternoons”. While you might be grateful for nature you are more likely to love the way the autumn light changes to a softer hue of gold. These differences create a different internal feeling and change the way you perceive life.

Love is more evocative of emotion and there for is setting your mind to a life you love. A life that romances you, while you court it in return. A life of small noticeable passions. And trust me, the things we love, we very much feel innate gratitude for.

So as I have been doing this, it is easier for my mind to look at life this way through out the day. Its also fun to look around think of all the pleasantries of life.

One of the things I was feeling so much love for lately, is my work.

Working with people like you, to channel and feel in to what most needs to be seen and known, connecting with loved ones in spirit, changing the way someone experiences life, I love this! There are few experiences to really compare with the feeling of helping someone transform their life and live in a way that lights them up. Or to click something in to place for someone so much that its easy for them to change patterns and behaviors. I adore helping people find the tools and practices that are really going to work for them. This is one of the things I love the most.

And when I was sick in August and unable to work, I really felt the lack of that joy. But when I remembered that the more I focus on how much I love it and the joy it brings me, not the absence of it, the more that joy comes in.

And it definitely picked up my own momentum.

What about you? What do you love? What beautiful and wonderful things color your world?

Feel ready for that change? Book a session and start to create a life you love in a supportive environment.





As Within So Without