As Fear Pulses 

We are living in a time where the world that the media presents to us appears quite dark. There is a heaviness looming like a storm cloud that seems to threaten flood or destruction. As fear pulses through the veins of society, I want to invite you to look at all of it in a new way.

 While awareness of the global and wider experiences around us is helpful, it's important not to take it at face value. What lurks underneath every challenge, every fear, and every catastrophic threat is, in fact, great spiritual opportunity. 

 The opportunity breakdown brings us is one of deep reflection and brings up big questions. Typically questions of, what do I do to keep safe, or why is this happening or who do we blame, seem to circulate. The Universe answers the questions we ask; so we shall find ways to protect and separate ourselves or find many unsolvable problems and we can even find so many people to blame. One of my favorite teachers, Rev. Michael Beckwith, is constantly reminding his followers to ask empowering questions. In order to shift our perspective, we must first change our questions that come in response to fear. A few empowered questions to start with:

 Where does hope live in this moment?

 What can be created from this destruction?

 What does love ask of me to do in response?

 How can I show up joyfully to my life in any circumstance?

 How can I support myself and others in moving through the difficult emotions that rise in times of fear?

 I invite you to sit with any one of these in prayer or meditation. Breathe in to a more open and empowered state and let the response come to you in divine timing. 

 It is my hope that you can take anything life is bringing to you and use it as a tool for spiritual and creative potential. 

 If you are needing help in this or in any other area, I am here to work with you. If you are feeling overwhelmed and want an intuitive attunement or you are receiving insights through dreams or intuitive hits and want someone to help you decode the symbols or just in need of some clarity and to be deeply heard and seen at this time, reach out to me directly through email. I would love to create a custom plan for you. 

 In hope,  Avery


I See You.

