I See You.

Hey you

I see you.

I see you in the confusion of both missing people you love and things you once did as well as the angst about ever returning to the extroverted busyness that once consumed you

I see you at home both sinking in and wanting to break out

I see you scrolling through the internet looking for light but finding a lot of fear too

I see you wondering why you didn’t write your book with all this free time

I see you wondering if you should have done a million more new things when the world shut down

I see you wondering if motivation is ever gonna pick back up

I see you grieving for the suffering and angered by injustice

I see you with no real idea what to believe any more

I see you in all the ways you might be

I have been there too

But today instead of wondering, worrying and questioning, I’m honoring what I have been gaining in this time

I’m celebrating the things that I now know even if I didn’t write a book to prove it

Here are a few:

The moment I begin to search for the villain, the one who is doing the most wrong I immediately become a victim

The moment I decide that I can surrender to anything that is happening and not lose my vision of how I want to experience my life I find all my power

Hemp oil is compassionate angel tears in a bottle

My cat owns me

The more space and silence I allow the more dynamic and creative I feel

The less I strive for anything except my own truth (when I have misplaced it) the easier my life becomes

Living with my head in the clouds is actually a really lovely way to live but my body wants me to experience the magic there too so don’t forget to feel my feet on the earth

My emotions are like weather, not in the way that they just come and go but in the way that they are meant to change the landscape, creating it anew for the manifestations to come

It’s okay to eat Mac and cheese and chicken nuggets (organic and fancy ones) even if you don’t have children and your 30

So many other things... but I want to hear yours! What have you come to know through this time?


More than Mediumship


As Fear Pulses