More than Mediumship

There is a new buzz around mediumship and intuitives right now. After the release of the Netflix series Surviving Death, which features mediums who connect people to their passed on loved ones and a previous Netflix series with Goop which also featured intuitives and mediums, people are thinking about the possibilities of connecting with the spiritual world like never before.  


I am so happy about this becoming mainstream. And while many will not agree with the topics, these shows are pioneering the dialogue about what else exists outside of our life in this waking moment. As someone who works not only with mediumship and intuition but also dreams and expanded states of consciousness, I am happy to see the doors of perception opening for many who might once have never considered this as an option. 


But after watching, I also felt compelled to share that it is my belief that there is so much more available to us in these areas then is being presented. The mediumship being displayed is truly miraculous and brings such a comfort to many who are grieving a lost loved one but I feel there is a greater depth available in these conversations then what is being portrayed. Within the housing of an amazing reading  with a deeply tapped in guide, there is not only great potential to connect to the passed on loved ones, receive insights about life but also to experience yourself as more then just your identity in this lifetime. As we start to connect to spiritual energies we also come into contact with the spiritual aspects of ourselves. Within our wider selves is our loved ones (living and deceased), our higher selves, our inner child, our unmanifested dreams, our guides, our angels and on some massive level the spirit of everyone and everything. These moments in deep meditative connection or in sitting with a reader (one very attuned to the higher frequencies and understands expanded states of self) are potent opportunities to really feel the fullness of all that you are, to feel the energy of all the potential that is available for you. This is a space where you can unlock so many gifts and visions for this life. This is a moment where you can feel the the palpable support available to you in energy and spirit. I have never felt a love so deep as I have in feeling the presence of the divine mothering energy that exists in the cosmos. I have never experienced such pure loving emotions as I have in readings where someone truly feels the presence of a loved one as well as the strength that they carry in that loved ones presence. 


There is something so nourishing about the validation of our loved ones being there. This is a comfort and joy I would deny no one but for the spiritual seeker and the personal expansion junkie there is more than just that in a reading and I am here for you. I am here for those who are ready to validate the spiritual energies present in their life and to dive in to the depths of their true nature and find deep meaning purpose and clarity in life. And as I see it, this is only the beginning to what is possible in deep states of spiritual connection and I look forward to what more can come through me. I am a medium for what ever spiritual frequency most serves someone in their expansion and this, just like the nature of our own true self, has infinite potential. 


Who’s ready to discover with me?


In to Nothing


I See You.