Don’t Forget to Add Magic

Confession. I was taking life way too seriously the last few weeks. Maybe it’s the collective or the heat of summer or just me but I started to try to buckle down and try to make things happen.

Particularly around money and finance. I have had the intuitive hit to really change my financial story and learn about investing. So, I took a free course on it. And then I started to take a healthy look at my joyfully frivolous approach to money and I said, “I have to shift.”

 I made a strict budget and immediately felt stressed about it. Created a rigid plan and acted as if it was me and my discipline that was going to get me to my goals.  

Well, if you know me… Serious doesn’t last long. And discipline without devotion is a failing plan from day one.

But did that mean I did not have to shift? No, but becoming more serious was not the answer.  

Becoming more rigid was not the way.  

But becoming aware and clarifying my goals and values so I can make more aligned decisions was.

 But with that, what really failed for me was: I forgot the magic.

I forgot the power of spirit and manifestation and the joy of setting intentions and letting them go like a balloon with child like curiosity of how they would return.

I forgot how fun money really is. An energy system that lets me do all kinds of things. A magical measurement that disguises itself as linear but is in fact not as far as experiences go. 

(Think paying 5 dollars for parking or giving 5 dollars to a child to spend in their own way, one feels more magical for sure)

So, the biggest difference between making a goal with grit and making a goal with magic is how much I try to figure out the how.  Does this mean I don’t come up with some hows, or show up for the action part?  No.  

But it does mean I let go of it. I come up with potential hows and sincerely ask my intuition and spirit to show me the path. And be willing to take it.

 The magic comes when the path is revealed, and I fearlessly take it. Even if (especially if) its intimidating.

 I share this today to ask you? Where in your life have you forgotten the magic? Where are you operating from an I must make this happen mindset?

Can you shift this to a “it’s going to happen and I am going to show up for the trust and courage to do my part in it?” “I am going to believe that my intuition is going to lead me where I desire to go?”

And here is the big thing with magic; it likes to show off. So just like a magician’s rabbit it loves to seem not there one moment and there the next, coming from the oddest of places.

I have often fallen into the doubt trap of its not here maybe it isn’t coming. And my greatest life’s work is the discipline or better yet devotion to changing that. Deciding in the certainty of my manifestations and becoming unwaveringly faithful to magic.

Who’s with me?


Letting Go of Your Past Self


Energetic Leaks