Finding Your Path

I was recently asked how I got to be where I am now, doing what I am doing for work and living the way that I do. I had to sit with this because honestly, I never followed one set protocol.

I have some of my story in my bio and share more about it in this Youtube video: along with a meditation to access your own path.

But I wanted to share a reminder with you here.

In a world filled with specific practices and protocols it can be hard to find your inner voice. The truth is I committed to many others’ paths, in fact all of religion and spiritual teachings are someone else’s path. The Budda, Jesus, Yoga etc.

There is nothing wrong with this but if you commit so strongly to something outside of you, its possible you may miss what they discovered. Each teacher, whether they invented a new diet, or laid out the eightfold path, was divinely and independently inspired, even if its an adaptation of something before. They opened up a unique way within themselves and began to share it.

They received the greatest depths because they received their own authentic path directly to them.

It must be said that I would not be where I am without the paths of others laid out for me to experience. You could say they where a part of my journey. But the ones that work the most are the ones that help me to discipline myself to get past my limited mind and in to my deeper self to create more possibilities.

So paths that help me to quiet my outer world and open my intuition more than they dictate my actions.

We live in a time where everyone is an expert of something, guaranteeing you results if you follow their practice to the letter. But what they do not realize is, those things worked because it unfolded within them.

Within each of us is a unique authentic path, leading us to where we want to go. Like a seed knowing it is to be an apple tree.

We must make the room to allow for this. We must tune in to this part of us and see where it is taking us.

I didn’t really know who I wanted to be years ago and I certainly wouldn’t have laid out who I now am. But I knew I wanted to feel different, and I chose to believe there was a different way of life for me.

And was I ever right…

Within me was this magical journey. Its not a specific destination but something that is constantly responding to my hearts desires and growing toward them if only I let it. If I trust and follow and have enough room to listen over the noise of my current mental blocks and programs, it easily unfolds. Even sometimes when I don’t, it will slam right in to me!

Someone else’s’ practices and protocols can be on your path, as they have been on mine but it will be your intuition that knows when to start and to stop (not your discomfort). But remember these things give you a support to grow but that should lead to your own unique path unfolding with in you.

Check out the youtube for a practice on this or get a reading to get more clarity on what is unfolding in you.

May you trust your inner nudges leading you on a wild ride toward your full self!


Where Shame Hides


How to Rid Your Self of Toxicity