Retrogrades and Flowers- Aprils Beauty

Well this month has surely been something so far. In what feels like life somehow slowing down and speeding up at the same time, April has definitely been one that many would describe as both intense and oddly profound.

In testament to this, my schedule, the regularity of my writing and my sleep all seem disrupted or unearthed right now. Like weeds are being pulled from me and my own soil is disturbed. All my energy seems to be repairing the earth of my being and attempting to grow what remains.

Im not an astrologer, but I stay aware of major energy patterns and a retrograde seems to be one I always feel, as well as eclipses. For those not aware a retrograde is the illusion of the planet mercury going backward. Which is perfect to describe the feeling of it, like you have taken some steps back, progress is off, communication is rough at times and man those dreams of the past definitely make you feel like you have some how gone astray in life.

But illusion is the key here. We are in fact not regressing but moving forward. Sometimes things from the past revisit because the way forward is to change an aspect of ourself created then. Sometimes to slow down is to speed up.

This time allows us to no longer just continue forward as usual, so we must take time to clean up messes, rework things and even completely change courses.

I don’t know anyone personally who wasn’t feeling some big feelings that seemed to come out of nowhere or at the very least feel the overwhelm of the to dos, that are not “to done”.

But you know what? In all of this, all we can do is surrender and look at the flowers. You may not be in full vibrant spring in your location, like I am but the metaphor (or literal directions) are the same. It is good to do our inner work, its essential in times like these, but you will be pulled to those things, but what is equally healing is to find beauty in the now.

Yesterday, instead of trying to even get my life on track, I took a drive deep in to the vibrant green hued roads of the Texas hill country. Medians and road sides are painted with yellow and oranges, as the blues have faded. A vibrant fuchsia has begun to sprinkle it self in there as well and truly it is stunning. The beauty of the earth is amazing.

These exact highways actually inspired former first lady, Lady Bird Johnshon, to enact the highway beautification act. She saw these wild flowers and wanted to spread beauty everywhere. Oddly enough my drive took me all the way to Johnson city the birth place of Johnsons husband former President LBJ. The flowers on the way in to town seemed to be thanking her in their glory as they were the most splendid just near there.

These flowers are not merely there for beauty, but for improving soil erosion among other things. Isnt it funny how the things that inspire awe and spread beauty can in fact be the thing that keeps what may be crumbling in tact. Beauty restores us.

Do not mistake this for vanity. As beauty is that which moves you and ignites something within you. It is not what you are sold or is an impossible standard to attain. Beauty is to be noticed and celebrated.

So if your own inner soil is disrupted by Aprils wild energies, take a pause, go seek beauty in nature. Your own restoration will begin when you remember that no matter the upheaval life is for now. Living is for now, the other things will push and pull you toward where you need to go, if you will just give in to the current.

There will be ease again, just as the turmoil of expansion will find us again, so we must certainly begin to enjoy the ride and dont make the mistake of waiting until things are ideal to do so. The magic of your life is in its wildness, not perfection. So that thing you would so enjoy, go do it. Let the rest be sorted in its natural order.

And if you need guidance you know how to find me.



The Magic Moment


Harmonize Your Emotions