The Magic Moment

I was recently reflecting on a magical moment I had last summer at a meditation retreat. I had spent a week in a room with thousands, creating new potentials in my energy to create new experiences in life. I was thinking of money, love, travel etc. But then, out of nowhere, I went deeper.

I went in to a deep state of spiritual love.

And I wanted nothing more than that feeling in that moment and in the next few days after. I wanted more and more of that spiritual plane because nothing could truly compare. People say that the divine is the purest source, and I was well aware of the futility of putting lasting happiness in the temporary, but still, I wanted to create new things in my life for the experience of it. But then, I felt it.

I felt the fullness of the present, beyond yearning, and striving. And after my heart yearned for that experience tied to “no-thing”. Both full and empty at the same time. None of the things of life really mattered. It was profound and also a bit destabilizing.

Our world is defined by wants and forward movement. Which in truth is quite fun, and allows us to play in the human canvas, but it always lives just out of reach. Its almost unnerving to think of staying in such a state of union that you no longer care to play the games of desire. Except when you are there, in the fullness of now, the spiritual now which includes the sense of desires fulfilled, its not only not unnerving but it is truly welcoming.

I bring this up, not to shame your desiring, I believe in creating a heart filled life, and following passion, but to remind you of something important. There is a place within you that holds the deep splendor of everything good and beautiful in life. Its not just quiet and equanimous, its infinite and full of wonder.

From this place, you no longer need to do or be anything and you can just get in the current of life and see what it has to offer you, and you it. You become in relationship with your unique life instead of working against it. All manifestations can flow from here but you will be surprised by how little you desire to make something happen in that place of fulfillment.

More than anything I remind myself of this, what I want is here. It’s not later. There are still dreams to unfold, but often life feels like its on hold until the problems of the present sort out. But it isnt. And they never really do, because something else comes to take its place.

I very much believe in manifesting, we area constantly creating and manifesting from our energy but in truth, I am very much tired of trying to do so. I want to see what life is showing me through my current life but more than anything I want to open to as much good in what is, as I possibly can. And if you must know, this is the secret for manifesting anyway, feeling grattitude, joy and love at all your surroundings. The byproduct will be more of those things.

Now is the time, to feel love. Now is the time to feel whole. Now is the time for magic.

And you may be thinking, I dont know how to get to that place. Well it starts with remembering it exists within you, and asking the divine to guide you and moving through the mental roadblocks to just dip your toe in the heavenly water. Play a beautiful peace of music with no words or find someplace quiet and just be there for a while. See what lies within you.

Perhaps our souls will meet there in a formless state, like clouds in the sky.

The date for my next online ceremony is May 19th at 10 am CDT. Tickets are on sale now so please feel free to join by heading to the events section of the website.

Also, I want remind anyone out there truly seeking, that I offer mentorships. 12 weeks of one to one work, that will encourage and support you to truly find your inner depths and change the way you experience life. I see so much magic within each and everyone of my clients but it often goes untapped because they are so caught in chasing the visions life gave them and not what their soul has in store for them and one reading will only scratch the surface of living in harmony with soul.

I am so ready to dive in with people who are truly ready to show up for the work, for the transformation, who are ready to put in to practice what is brought up. This is based on you and what your higher self and my higher self know is needed to get you in to fullness. Of course the work is done both in session and out but I believe in the magic of cocreation and if you or someone you know is really ready, reach out to talk about getting started together.

All my best,



Storm Sweep


Retrogrades and Flowers- Aprils Beauty