The Inspired Mercury Retrograde

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Image credit unknown

What does the birth of a baby deer, Mercury Retrograde and boredom have in common?


My story! Of course.


Saturday evening, I was hosting a client to do some deep inner work. This work is typically based in the internal journey and we try to maintain a meditative state for as long as possible. This is a multiple hour experience and I usually share the space with a cofacilitator who is a master at creating altered states and deep inward journeys.


At some point this client comes out of the journey and says “I’m bored.” “I can’t seem to really drop in for some reason.” Normally at this point, I would see this as a block, but for some reason, I had gotten up to make tea, and was looking out the window and in that moment I saw the sweetest baby deer and mama dear in the next yard.


At a closer look, I realized this deer was just born and there were two! One not even standing yet. I stop the explanation of boredom and say, “I think we need to go outside.”


Client and co-facilitator both skeptically look at me like I was veering from the formula we normally practice and well, I was, but I knew we needed to.


I tell them what was happening, they jump up and we go outside, enamored by the new life. We watch from a distance as the first moments of life unfold for the fresh fawns. Suddenly, boredom seems irrelevant compared to the magic of nature.


The plans continue to shift from there, we end up watching the sunset, sitting by the river and just talking about life and witnessing the magic of the physical reality.


Everything was awry from our normal plans and yet all of it was perfectly and divinely timed. The moments of boredom, of desire for tea, of going outside, of the drive to the river perfectly aligned with the pinkest sunset, the only clear sky in weeks. All of it divine.


It later occurred to me that it was Mercury Retrograde, and while we often associate it with plans going awry in the worst of ways and a “be careful” mindset, this was a great reminder that when we surrender to the change, exactly what we need can happen.


It’s also a great reminder, that boredom usually occurs as a reminder that we aren’t looking at all that can be. In any moment when we feel stuck and bored, there is something else happening just beyond your limited gaze.


Anytime we feel uncomfortable there is always the option for new life. We must first step outside of our known frame of mind and look for something new. And when we do, like the fawns in late spring we are born again, with a beginners mind and fullness of life ahead of us.

So whatever your current perspective, on the retrograde, on the world around us, on yourself see it as an opportunity to surrender to something more enchanting. Look in a new direction (especially in the retrograde) and discover treasures.

What new ways are you experiencing life these days? Id love to hear from you! Comment or reply!



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