When life asks you to wait…

A note on Patience (especially if you’re a human design projector) 

The world is opening, and momentum is starting to pick up. Suddenly we think it’s safe to start making plans, maybe even booking trips, making new major life decisions. The scent of freshly baked new beginnings is wafting through the collective air.

But for some reason it feels as though we are speeding up to then slam on the breaks and take massive turns.

I know for me it feels like life is testing my patience right now.

It’s retrograde and eclipse season so while some things change overnight it also feels like some big dreams are a stalled car on the side of fast-moving highway.

So, what do we do when life asks us to wait?

“Patience is a virtue” we were told as children, often when we felt so ready for something to happen and our parents or teachers didn’t want to come up with something else for us to do until this anticipated moment actually happened.

 The spiritual teacher Abraham as channeled by Esther Hicks says we really don’t need to be patient; we need to be in alignment. Patience, in their ideology, is focusing on something you want that isn’t here yet, rather than focusing on the constant manifesting of your desire and the parts that are currently unfolding.

 So, I would also like to reframe patience today and hopefully shift the waiting game.

 At its best patience is accepting divine timing and not really focusing on what you want that isn’t already here but being in the present watching the unfolding.

 At its’ worst patience is what we tell ourselves to practice so we can deny the current unfolding and sit around toe tapping hoping we are the embodiment spiritual virtue, while actually feeling quite frustrated.

 So how do we embody presence in the waiting?

 Because the truth is we will all have something we are looking forward to. A next…

 We are creators and creating new things, having new journeys is what we do. We can love this about ourselves a lot more when we start to see the vision but take action upon the now.

 There is always a seed of something in the now that creates that vision; a small task, a day dreaming meditation, boxes to be packed, neighborhood coffee shops to visit where you hope your new home will be.

 There is always an aspect of that dream in the now to play with as well as many other manifestations that are coming in to play.

 Don’t tell yourself to be patient tell yourself to be present with what your excited about now. Get in to your creative and intuitive mode and let it lead you. You just might end up at that manifestation sooner. Or at the very least, in that flow state time will seem to flow faster.

 So for an example that brings us back to our inner child. If this child has two weeks to wait for a trip to Disney world and everyday she asks about it. You could tell her to be patient and do business as usual or you could be in the build up. Have a Disney movie marathon. Engage them in packing and magical outfit planning, come up with a list of the things you most want to see and do when your there.

 Make the now as fun as the next.

 When it comes to patience we really all are that little child. So what fun ways can you engage and play with your dreams now?

Here are some of my tips for different things you may be awaiting.

·      New home- go be in the neighborhood of your dreams and grocery shop there, get in to the vibe, visit places that hold the design aesthetic you want to have and make notes (not just pinterest), start cleaning and clearing out the home you are in now (trust me on this, if you ever want to move bringing only what you truly want and not clutter is life saving)

·      New romantic relationship- take yourself on your ideal date, get dressed like you’re going to see someone your excited about on any random day, embody telling yourself the loving affirmations you want to hear from your lover, go out and see other couples and celebrate how much healthy love there is in the world, make room in your life for someone to come in (this is a big one, do you have space and time for anyone else, really)?, focus your mind on how many amazing potential partners there are for you out there

·      A child- go be around other children, make a list of all the ways we can parent in the world (more then just giving birth to your own biological children), babysit, focus on your physical and mental health so you will feel your best when you have the child, get in to your inner child and take them to do things (disney world anyone)

·      Thriving business or new job- start creating space for the work to take place (open your schedule for clients or work days), go places where people in your ideal work go, dress for the job you want each day, create the underpinnings such as the best resume, or update your website, even amping up your offerings, or learning and honing skill sets

But the most important ways to handle waiting is… don’t. Live now. Juice the goodness out of the manifestations you are currently in just as much if not more then the future ones. Once upon a time you waited for this current iteration of life (well some of it) so really live it with deep satisfaction. And surrender to the flow towards the future.


I would love to hear how you navigate the wait…


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