The Thing That Healed Me the Most

I sat there in a room of thousands, the energy was high. Everyone was focused on one thing in unison and then suddenly everyone was crying and shedding so much emotional weight. Particularly me.

What was this one thing?

It was LOVE, of course!

Now this may sound cliche but it was love that healed me more than anything. Not from someone else but from myself in a way I never had experienced before. Emotionally….

For context, all of this occurred two years ago at an amazing retreat lead by Dr. Joe Dizpenza. Who’s work is amazing and life changing all around, if he resonates with you.

At some point in the retreat we are all gathered to help heal other people who aren’t physically present at the retreat, a Coherence Healing.

Different sections of the room are given different pictures of people who signed up to be healed during this retreat. You aren’t told their issues or diseases, just a first name and a face.

You are not given specifics because they don’t want you to try to heal them or fix them they merely want you to see them and feel love, sending energy from your heart to them wherever in the world they were.

Let’s talk about this for a moment… In order to help these people you do not focus on their problems, you don’t pray for each ailment, you don’t fix them, you don’t help them change their lifestyle…you love them. Period.

Let this sink in for all your loved ones. Worry, suggestions, coercing them in to something is not the best antidote. Loving them is. (Of course when someone is open and willing you can provide guidance for change)

The idea behind this is, Love is a frequency, one experienced by emotion, and characterized with matching thoughts. It is such a high frequency that it creates a safe space for healing and repair to occur. You literally see them from the lens of a loving higher power.

Now, you may be thinking how can you conjure so much love for a stranger?

Well you are guided in to deep meditation and you have been working all week on calling in an open heart. But when you are in a room of thousands of people and everyone is feeling a lot of love and you are thinking about this person and how they are so worthy of living and feeling the way they want to and to be free of pain, you cant not feel love as an emotion. It pours out of you.

But then the real shift happened. Without being informed before the meditation, you are invited to turn this love back to you. At this point you are feeling like someone holding the most precious infant so full of life and only wanting the best things for them.

When the energy is turned back to you, the room melts. People are wailing. Tears running down my face and others because it turns out most of us have never loved ourselves so fully.

My world was rocked. I wouldn’t say I was someone who lived with out self love. I did things for myself, my family and friends loved me, but I had never taken the time to cultivate the actual feeling and direct it at me.

The feeling I poured on to new lovers, hungering for the experience of it flowing back to me. The feeling I longed for when those relationships became stagnant. The sensation I left those experiences to look for.

Because we don’t want relationships that don’t have the emotion of love, the feeling, when your heart feels like a flower blossoming towards its beloved sun following his every move.

But in truth we don’t cultivate this feeling for us. We treat self love like a too busy parent loves a child, we buy them things, we leave birthday cards without writing anything sincere in them, leaving hallmark to do the work. This is us with our affirmations, our “because Im worth it” gifts. We drop ourselves in every good for us class like a parent taking us to swimming lessons but never looking up to be proud and express the praise we so want.

Just so you know, Im not judging parents, we all have our ways of showing love. This is more about the comparison for understanding.

I had spent much more time, in fact, cultivating critical thoughts about myself. The just creep in. You know the ones…

“You could do more”

“This part of you is ugly”

“What a dumb thing to say”

“Why haven’t you achieved more already”

And you know each of these had a feeling too and it was not love. And love can create spontaneous healing because it aligns you with your spiritual wholeness then criticism and hatred can create disease and pain because it pulls you from your spiritual truth.

So from that moment I shifted. I let love in. Not all my negativity went away, nor has it now but I have been practicing deep self love in a way that seems to shift me more than anything.

And I feel physically better, emotionally better and mentally better than my entire adult life. And I no longer yearn for romantic love, it can come and go as it pleases. Because the feeling I want, I create almost daily.

Something I particularly like to do is notice a certain limiting pattern or area I criticize often and hold that in love. By giving myself the gift of loving my limits, they like many of the people’s ailments in the Coherence Healing seem to dissolve.

I would love for you all to try this! So I posted a video over on youtube explaining this and doing a guided meditation to get you there fast!

If you need help getting clear on the patterns you need to embrace and love in order to shift, a reading with me is just the trick! Check the website to book or email me with questions!

May you love yourself fully,

Avery Virginia


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