Meditation that Works for You.

Meditation that Works for You.

“Okay, so I know I need to meditate more but I just can’t seem to!” I hear this all the time from clients and to be honest I have heard this at times in my own inner narrative.

In my last post, I shared about my love for transcendental meditation or “nothingness” meditations. If you read it, you may have thought I was a natural lover of meditation, even if certain types didn’t always work for me.

In truth, I only started meditating because I had to.

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In to Nothing
Avery Virginia Avery Virginia

In to Nothing

“I am nothing” “I want to be nothing”

At first glance, these aren’t the most empowering mantras. But in my meditation right now, they are well… everything.

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I See You.
Avery Virginia Avery Virginia

I See You.

Hey you

I see you.

I see you in the confusion of both missing people you love and things you once did as well as the angst about ever returning to the extroverted busyness that once consumed you

I see you at home both sinking in and wanting to break out

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As Fear Pulses 
Avery Virginia Avery Virginia

As Fear Pulses 

We are living in a time where the world that the media presents to us appears quite dark. There is a heaviness looming like a storm cloud that seems to threaten flood or destruction. As fear pulses through the veins of society, I want to invite you to look at all of it in a new way.

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Avery Virginia Avery Virginia


Buzzards circle overhead

God I hope they are coming for me

For all the things within me that I hope to die;

Shame, self doubt, unworthiness,

Please decay in my back woods

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She is Wild
Avery Virginia Avery Virginia

She is Wild

“She is wild”, in our modern dialect, has come to mean a behavior of unhinged excess. It calls to mind a woman recklessly unsatiated by her intoxicants and social outings, who is, therefore, causing harm to herself and others. But, there is a reclamation of the word “wild” and, alongside that, the restoration of a truly wild woman.

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